HanseYachts AG
Ladebower Chaussee 11
17493 Greifswald
Managing Directors:
Hanjo Runde, Stefan Zimmermann
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Gert Purkert
Registration Office:
Amtsgericht Stralsund
Registration Number:
HRB 7035
Tax number:
DE 249 006 710
Liability Note:
Despite careful maintenance of contents we assume no liability for contents of external links. The webmasters are exclusively held responsible for contents on the linked sites.
Copyright 2024, HanseYachts, Deutschland. All rights reserved. Texts, pictures, drawings as well as their arrangement and layout on the HANSE Yachts website are subjects to copyright and other intellectual property rights. Unless otherwise specified, the content of this website is for your personal and non-commercial use, and you may not copy, distribute, modify, or access information to a third party. You may not use any contents without the prior written consent of HanseYachts.
All trademarks contained in the website are the copyrighted property of HanseYachts AG.
HanseYachts AG - Nico Krauss, Hamburg - Michael Amme, Hamburg - Henry Dramsch, Greifswald - Studio B, Bremen - Anja Schmidt, Greifswald - Peter-Paul Reinmuth, Rostock - Mathias Minkus, Hamburg - Sven Oevermann, HanseYachts AG - Martin Vogel, Coburg - Will Calver, Auckland NZ - Alexander Hartmann, Hamburg - Klaus Jordan, Plön - Arjen Heoksma, Niederlande - Klaus Andrews, Eckernförde - Rick Tomlinson, Southampton - Alexander Worms - Erik Bootsma - Christer Lindblad - Kzenon, Fotolia - G.Light, Fotolia - Rebecca Schmidt - B&G - Flexofold - Fusion - Elvstrøm - Eberspächer - Joakim Abrahamsson - ULFSON - Rick Tomlinson - Graham Snook Photography - Laetitia Guigui-Photographe - Phillip Gätz - Jérome Kelagopian - Cyril Carpentier - Graham Snook - Max Sonnenschein - Martin Lukas Kim - Oliver Blanchet - Ludovic Fruchaud - Thea Harksen
Video Production:
Jochen Lueg, Hamburg - Danny Podeus, Hamburg